CEH v9 PDF – Certified Ethical Hacker v9 Course Educational Materials + Tools

by April 07, 2016 0 Comments

CEH v9 PDF – Certified Ethical Hacker v9 Course Educational Materials + Tools

“This is the world's most advanced ethical hacking course with 18 of the most current security domains any ethical hacker will ever want to know when they are planning to beef up the information security posture of their organization. In 18 comprehensive modules, the course covers 270 attack technologies, commonly used by hackers

Our security experts have designed over 140 labs which mimic real time scenarios in the course to help you “live” through an attack as if it were real and provide you with access to over 2200 commonly used hacking tools to immerse you into the hacker world.”

Thanks to Cyber Hackers (J2) for sharing !

Cyber Hack


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